Teresa Delfín: Exploring Gender in Western Mexico

Gender and sexuality is remarkably fluid in a number of ways. The individual, the culture, the religion, the region of the world — all of these things deeply impact how gender is perceived and displayed. Often the most compelling insight into the wide world of gender and its interpretation is the story of one individual and how they navigate their own identity. Such is the case with Teresa Delfín’s short documentary, Daughter, Sister, Mother.

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Jamie Andrew
Anca Gooje: Carrying Culture Forward

Living abroad, adventurous and exciting as it can be, is no easy feat. Each of us are raised under different circumstances, countries, influenced by various cultures and mindsets. It can be a jarring experience to leave such a familiar bubble to venture into and explore new perspectives, but anyone who’s done it before is guaranteed to tell you that despite the unfamiliarity, such an experience can change your life. Being able to immerse yourself in different cultures, experience new traditions and approaches to life will most certainly change how you view the world around you even once you return home, and might even start to reshape your cultural identity like it has for Anca Gooje.

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